BYBF: What to Do When “Don’t Give Up” No Longer Works
Simply trying is not enough. You need to upgrade. Anangsha's reminder for awesomeness
Hey you!
Welcome to Be Your Best Friend with Anangsha: the Sunday newsletter that continuously keeps upgrading itself.
Today, I want to talk about the next step after rejection. Growing up, you must have heard some variations of the following:
“If, at first, you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.”
What if I tell you simply trying is not enough?
When you fail in achieving something you wanted to, you need to take a step back and look at your work. Get feedback from a friend and try to fix your mistakes. Write a list of ten things you know need to be improved and work on them. It’s not sufficient to keep trying with the same level of skills and hope to be accepted. You need to upgrade. Only then will you land where you hope to.
I made a YouTube video discussing how you can achieve this. You can watch it here.
(Image by Liam Anderson on Pexels)
An example of how I applied this to my personal life: ever since I started writing on Medium, I wanted to get published into this publication called Mind Cafe. I kept sending them articles but always ended up getting rejected. I was frustrated, didn’t know what I was doing wrong.
Then, when I took a break and started questioning my practice, I realised that I hadn’t bothered to go through their submission guidelines. I hadn’t read through their recently-published articles and tried to reverse-engineer them. I hadn’t adhered to their image guidelines. Basically, I was doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.
Life doesn’t work that way. You need to stop blaming the ones who rejected you and start working on yourself. I did and guess what happened? Within a span of 4 days, I had THREE articles published on Mind Cafe. I’m leaving the links here for you to read:
Expecting Immediate Results Might Hold You Back From Achieving Your Dreams
Research-Backed Tactics to Help You Stick To and Make Decisions More Easily
The Science of Taking Breaks at Work to Help Boost Your Productivity
If you found this useful, don’t forget to forward this to a friend or ask them to sign up to my newsletter. It’s free, and you know me, I only send valuable content.
Reply to this email with one way you’re going to upgrade your skills. We are in this together. We will make through together.
Till then, stay strong. Keep smiling and be awesome.
With love,
Okay nice to meet you love very successful romantic you bit and skil very smooth and anergy full spirit
Okay try try trying you are available to keep your good dinner 🍲 time