Don’t Get Frustrated As A New Writer on Medium Until You Ask Yourself 3 Key Questions
Hello dear friend
I published my first article on Medium in 2018.
In those early days, I published 2–3 articles in a month, and disappeared for weeks together. Later, I’d show up again, publish something else, and the cycle would repeat.
I wasn’t consistent. The idea that this blogging website could one day become a steady income stream was unbelievable.
I denied my own potential and the magic this platform could bring about. And I paid the price.
If I’d been serious about my Medium journey in 2018, I could have gotten a kicstart. But I delayed, and only started publishing seriously in 2020. After that, things changed, and this platform helped me become a full-time writer today.
If you’re starting out and feeling overwhelmed, don’t worry, I got your back.
In this post, I’m sharing three key questions every new writer on Medium should ask themselves. Based on your answers, the road ahead will get clearer and the journey easier.
Hope you liked today’s message. Note that I create this newsletter for you weekly with lots of love. If you’d like to support me, here’s a link to buy me a book.
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That’s all from my end today. I’ll see you again soon. Till then, stay strong. Keep smiling and be awesome.
With love,