How to stop living on autopilot
Are you in control of your life or are you letting yourself be controlled by someone else?
Hello dear friend,
Have you ever had one of those weeks where you’re just going through the motions, ticking off tasks, but not really feeling connected to any of it? I’ve been there too. It’s so easy to slip into autopilot mode, especially when life gets busy.
But here’s the thing: Living on autopilot robs us of the chance to grow, to choose, and to thrive. Reflection is how we hit pause, step back, and reconnect with what matters most.
Here’s a simple question to help you start:
Are you in control of your life or are you being controlled by someone else?
I take the longest answering this question because of how deep I have to look into myself so I can write my response without lying or letting it get colored by my biases.
It’s not possible to be completely in control of your life. No matter how meticulously you plan it, there’ll always be circumstances and situations that are out of your hands.
You can never determine how other people will perceive your success, but you can do everything that’s in your power to make sure you succeed.
Here are a few questions to help you ponder more on this topic:
Are you doing your 100% to make sure you reach where you want to be?
Have you bitten off more than you can chew and are regretting your choices?
Are there some tasks you can drop and/or outsource?
Are you blindly trudging on through life, or do you wake up each day with the motivation to create or work on your projects?
Is your life fueled by curiosity and excitement, or does fear rule your thoughts?
The way you write the answers to these questions will help you understand who is directing the course of your life: you or your circumstances.
If this resonates with you, I’d love to invite you to my Annual Review Workshop on Dec 23. It’s a chance to slow down, reflect on your year, and create a clear, actionable plan for 2025.
Let’s make 2025 the year you live with intention and purpose.
Excited to see you there,