Hi Anangsha, I've been following you on Medium and your newsletter for a while now, but never had the chance to tell you how much I appreciate your work. As an aspirant writer, you are one of my role models.

Anyway, since you are talking about Medium, what do you think about their choice of removing the referrals? I feel like we, writers, invested so much into getting people to subscribe and they are now trying to cash out.

Do you agree?

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Hello, first of all, thanks a ton for the kind words. It really means a lot to me. :)

Regarding removing the referrals, Medium will keep honoring all members that joined through your link until September 2023. So unless the member stops their Medium membership, you will keep getting paid every month. They aren't cashing on it per se, but yes, I suppose in a year or so, everyone's referral bonus will be back to 0, as the members might renew their subscription, but you would no longer be paid for it.

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